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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Space Invaders
Andy Deck

The defining characteristic of AnDYLanD is the development of a web-based aesthetic which depends at least partly upon intangibles, such as visitor contributions, for its content. In addition to Space Invaders Act 7732, the site features several other interfaces art projects written in Java. The most significant is dubbed the "Blackboard", a multi-user drawing space, that features a variety of odd tools, a chat feature, and ways to view both currently progressing drawings as animations and previously archived images. Yet another project, "1000 Points of Light", is an attempt to create animation wherein each frame is created by a person on the Internet.The rules and oddities surrounding the drawings are left for you to discover.
What remains on the site are a variety of links, images and essays of varying quality, themes and age.