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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Joey Anuff

Joey Anuff masquerades as the Duke of URL, was formerly a Production Assistant at "HotWired". Ana Marie Cox is Senior Editor of "Suck". Jay Fowler, Heather Havrilesky, Sean Welch, Carl Steadman and Brady Clark form "The Society of Sucksters" putting together "Suck".

Our Mission:
Shit makes great fertilizer, but it takes a farmer to turn it into a meal. With that thought in mind, we present Suck, an experiment in provocation, mordant deconstructionism, and buzz-saw journalism. Cathode-addled net-surfers flock to shallow waters - Suck is the dirty syringe@hidden in the sand. You wanted feedback? Cover your ears and watch your back ... it wants you too. But Suck is more than a media prank. Much more. At Suck, we abide by the principle which dictates that somebody will always position himself or herself to systematically harvest anything of value in this world for the sake of money, power and/or ego-fulfillment. We aim to be that somebody.