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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Audio Grove
Christian Möller

In "Audio Groove", a "forest" of vertical steel posts represents the "interface" and the part of this light and sound scultpure which can be physically experienced.

Audio Grove consists of a circular wooden platform of about 12 metres in diameter, on which is placed a structure consisting of 56 vertical steel posts, each 5.5 metres high. This "forest" of vertical steel posts represents the "interface" and the part of this light and sound scultpure which can be physically experienced.

Each of the steel posts is connected to an analogue-capacitive sensor system. In this "forest of posts", which thus responds to tactile impulses, visitors can evoke sounds which in every conceivable combination always result in a harmonic whole. All sound structures used in this installation were developed with the help of a new method of generating sound whose principle follows that of "physical modelling". The basic idea is to digitally simulate a physical model of the object which generates the sound, and then to place this model in a self-defined environment, in a "world", in which the object in its turn can be caused to generate sound by means of a self-designed "impulse".

The visual side of the installation is represented in the form of a composable texture of light and shadows. Twenty one-kW, spotlights, placed in a circle around the installation, project precisely the same area of light through the structure of steel posts onto the floor of the installation. According to how the visitors move around on the floor, the spotlights change position and thus draw line textures, which vary in real time, onto the installation’s "carpet of light".