ORF Oberösterreich
In the computer graphics category the jury was presented with a total of 432 works by 183 artists from all over the world. After viewing all the works entered, the jury decided to take into account the considerable variety and difference of works submitted.
The Prix Ars Electronica 87 with the Golden Nica has been awarded to Brian Reffin Smith for his work "Figure 10" and the decision is substantiated as follows:
The artist has achieved a maximum of formal concentration, expression and emotional content with relatively low technical standards. To the spectator this work is the result of artistic creativity, with the technology involved visible only in the background.
In addition to the Golden Nica the jury has awarded two Distinctions for computer graphics, These mentions were awarded to Jürgen Lit Fischer for "Intervalle / Intervals" and to Melissa White, Apollo Computer, for the graphic "Temple - 2. land".
In giving the Honorary Mention to Jürgen Lit Fischer, the jury took into consideration that the structure of this analytic-constructivistically conceived image is perfectly balanced, the technique used being made transparent at the same time. For the viewer artistic design and technical performance present themselves in perfect harmony.
The Distinction for Melissa White is based upon the fact that the artist has found a way to create a personal aspect of high-tech-aesthetics with the consequent application of state-of-the-art high-tech tools and methods, and the visionary computerized dream landscape achieves an extraordinary intensity of expression.