ORF Oberösterreich
The use of technology profoundly modifying man activity and consequently radically changing for practice of art today.
The Prix Ars Electronica 87, integrating Computer Music, Computer Animation and Computer Graphics, is designed to demonstrate that the computer is becoming one of the most important resources Instruments in the hands of creative artists.
For the first Prix Ars Electronica 87 competition the jury members have tried to establish a high standard.
In this sense the decision was taken to award two symbolic prizes to two excellent musicians in the two different musical genres, whose work-although no entry for the Prix Ars Electronica 87 was presented by either - nevertheless is path-breaking in the field of artistic use of new technologies. One Golden Nica as honorary award goes to Jean-Claude Flisset, a pioneer and outstanding composer; the second Golden Nica is awarded to Peter Gabriel for his creative exploitation of new technologies.
After hearing all 160 pieces submitted in the Computer Music category, the Jury is pleased to award two mentions. These mentions go to Marc-André Dalbavie and Richard Teitelbaum. The Jury considers their compositions to be representative of the wide spectrum covered by computer music.
In the piece by Dalbavie, one can find the use of computer aided composition and the integration of traditional instruments with digitally-generated sound.
In the Teitelbaum work, one can find a prime example of interactive computer music, that is the use of computers to listen and respond intelligently to human performers, who, in turn, respond to the computer.
In awarding the symbolic honorary awards to Jean-Claude Risset and Peter Gabriel, the Jury recognized that the initial rules of this first competition were too restrictive. In the next competition, the rules will be changed to allow more composers to participate. The money awards allocated for the First Prize, which was not given this year, will be held over until next year as scholarships for two young composers to be chosen by the next Jury.