Digital Musics at Prix Ars Electronica
Digital Musics at Prix Ars Electronica illustrates the amazing diversity of modern distribution channels: from the concert hall to the Internet domain, from video to clubs.

Since the former category "Computer Music" has been changed to "Digital Musics" in 1999 this category of the Prix Ars Electronica is open Electronica (like Drum'n Bass, Dub, Techno, Downtempo, Ambient, Breakbeat, Global, HipHop, Jazz, Noise, Mondo/Exotica, digital DJ- culture, etc.), Sound and Media (like sonic sculpture intermedia/sound driven visuals, performances, soundspace projects, installations, radio works, net-music, generative musics, etc.), but also Computer compositions (electroacoustic, acousmatic and experimental).

All the entries will be judged by an international expert jury according to the following criteria: aesthetics, originality, compelling conception, innovation in the special expression of sonic imagination, technique and quality of the presentation. Members of the Digital Musics Jury 2003 are: Alain Mongeau (director of MUTEK, CDN), Markus Schmickler (musician, D), Antye Greie-Fuchs (musician, D), Naut Humon (curator and producer, USA) and David Toop (composer, author and curator, GB).

The winner of the Golden Nica will be awarded EUR 10.000, the winners of the two Distinctions EUR 5000 each.

Ingrid Fischer

Digital Musics
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at