CODE - The Language of Our Time
First Statement

"CODE – The Language of Our Time" has been the theme of Ars Electronica 2003. The festival's three focal points—Code=Law, Code=Art, Code=Life—have been treated from an artistic as well as a scientific perspective.

Read the programmatic statement on this year's Festival by Gerfried Stocker and Christine Schöpf, the artistic directors of Ars Electronica.

Ars Electronica 2003—"CODE – the Language of Our Time"—is set for September 6-11. Three thematic domains—Code=Law, Code=Art, Code=Life—provide a framework for the issues on which this year’s festival of art, technology and society will focus:

- How strong is the socially regulative and normative power of the structures and rules of the game that computer programs and their standards implement and enforce? What possibilities exist to get around them?

- How do software and digital codes impact the essence and identity of media art as "art created out of code" that is, as a generative and processual artform that has developed from and consists of algorithmic and computational processes? To what extent can this be captured and represented by means of conventional, art-immanent criteria?

- What paradigms relevant to our future can be derived from artistic and scholarly speculations about the emerging epoch of bio-information and genetic engineering?

Via interdisciplinary encounter and confrontation, the strategy Ars Electronica has been utilizing productively since 1979, artists, scientists, scholars and technicians will elaborate on these considerations from theoretical and practical perspectives. In going about this, a series of symposia as well as numerous exhibitions, performances and interventions will be presented not in an effort to establish purportedly conclusive answers but rather to bring out the enduring nature of the issues raised thereby. After all, art ultimately exists to pose questions.

Gerfried Stocker / Christine Schöpf
Directors Ars Electronica

Ingrid Fischer

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at