
Alain Mongeau on the Digital Musics Jury
Alain Mongeau (CDN), program director of Montreals MUTEK, the festival for music, sound and new technologies, is first time member of the Digital Musics jury. The most important criteria for judging the entries: functionality.

Under the direction of Alain Mongeau, MUTEK – the Montreal which has a long tradition in electro-acoustic music, is becoming, together with San Francisco, the real hot spot of modern electronics and new media in Northern America.

For Mongeau, MUTEK is more than anything else a festival that explores the intersection between music and digital culture. It is one of the few events in Montreal that is " indigeneous " to digital culture, trying to remain contemporary to the practices of a new generation of artists that grew immersed in new technologies - the " MU " of MUTEK refers to MUsic but also, and probably even more, to the notion of tracking the MUtations of contemporary practices that use new technologies. As such, it mainly focusses on electronic music, but will more and more encompass other practices and artforms where the know-how and aesthetics developed within the electronic music community are growingly being applied - moving images, installations, etc.

It is the first time that Alain Mongeau is member of the Digital Musics jury. For him one of the most important criteria in choosing a work for a prize is that the music must be functional: In which context and for which context has it been created? And if these parameters are clear, the question is: Does it really work?

Ingrid Fischer

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at