
Tina Auer on the u19 Jury
For the first time on the u19 Jury is Tina Auer of the art collective time's up. In the entries of Austrian youngsters, she hopes to find inspirations for her own experimental work

Since 1994, Tina Auer (A) is gaining her living as artist. Between 1994 and 1996, she was member of the collective Contained and together with Just Merit she was co-founder of the artists' collective Time's Up in Linz. Last year, she finished her studies at the University of Art and Design in Linz at the department for experimental visual design.

Tina on her work: "Playing for its own sake, pursued in the diversity of materials and media; to newly define the significance of conditions by means of minimal changes; certain situations in connection with a newly construed context occasionally result in a harmonious relationship which opens our eyes to beauty; functioning in and of themselves, they masterfully defy rational structures and permit us to see that which had been familiar and prosaic in a radiant new light."

Ingrid Fischer

Time's up
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