Steve Rogers on the Net Vision / Net Excellence Jury
For Steve Rogers – responsible for the development of New Media Services at BBC – a website worth of a Golden Nica has to understand, reflect and support it's users.

Steve Rogers (UK) who has a degree from Coventry University in Transportation Design, was appointed as the new Head of Production for BBCi in September 2002. He is responsible for leading the production group - a BBCi group of diverse design, technical, content and product specialists developing and delivering the vast range of digital services. These specialists are responsible for the delivery of the majority of BBCi products and services across all platforms.

In his first position at BBCi in August 2001 as Head of Design and Navigation, Rogers was responsible for the design and navigation team defining users experience of BBCi on the web, interactive TV and emerging platforms. During this time under Rogers’ creative direction, the Design and Navigation team were involved in the launch of BBCi, the branding and redevelopment of web and interactive TV home pages - including the home page re-design and 24/7 homepage - and the launch of BBCi Search.

Before entering BBC; Rogers has designed spectacles for Norville Optical Company, he worked for Gillette on the Braun brand in the research labs, was product designer at Philips Electronics in Holland and developed video-recording products.

Rogers moved to California in 1995, to start up an incubator centre involved in digital products and services. Before joining the BBC Rogers was VP, Physical Design at Razorfish digital consultancy in San Francisco. Here he had global responsibility for design of physical and service related products.

Ingrid Fischer

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