Scott Fisher on the Interactive Art Jury
As early as 1990, interaction designer Scott Fisher has presented his work at Ars Electronica: "Virtual Environments, personal simulation and telepresence". This year, he is for the first time member of Prix Ars Electronica Jury.

Scott S. Fisher (USA) is a media artist and interaction designer whose work focuses primarily on interactive environments and technologies of presence. Well known for his pioneering work in the field of Virtual Reality at NASA, Fisher's media industry experience includes Atari, Paramount, and his own companies Telepresence Research and Telepresence Media. A graduate of MIT's Architecture Machine Group (now Media Lab), he has taught at MIT, UCLA, UCSD, and is a Project Professor at Keio University in Japan. His work has been recognized internationally through numerous invited presentations, professional publications and in the popular media. In addition, he has been an Artist in Residence at MIT's Center for Advanced Visual Studies and his stereoscopic imagery and artwork has been exhibited in the US, Japan and Europe.

At Ars Electronica 1990 he presented his researches on VR and telepresence during the discussion "Cyberspace – Virtual Visions".

Ingrid Fischer

Ars Electronica 90 - catalog text
Scott Fisher's Website
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