Winners 2003 announced in the first week of June
The Prix Ars Electronica Jury meeting took place in Linz between April 11 and 13. During three days five juries in the categories Net Vision/Net Excellence, Interactive Art, Computer Animation/Visual Effects, Digital Musics and cybergeneration-u19 had to judge 2714 entries. The winners will be announced in the first week of June.

The works submitted to this year's Prix Ars Electronica established a new record: In the category Net Vision / Net Excellence have been submitted 397 projects, in the category Interactive Art 302 projects, in the category Computer Animation / Visual Effects there are 348 entries, in Digital Musics even 625, and 1.042 projects have been entered by young people from Austria in the category u19.

In each category, the jury awards one Golden Nica (EUR 10.000) two Awards of Distinction (EUR 5.000 each) and up to 12 Honorary Mentions. An exception is the category Net Vision / Net Excellence with two Golden Nicas, four Distinctions and up to 16 Honorary Mentions. And in the category u19 cybergeneration – freestyle computing the Golden Nica is EUR 5.500, the two Distinctions amount to 2.200 EUR each.

The winners of Prix Ars Electronica 2003 will be announced by mid May.

This year's Jury of Net Vision / Net Excellence are Steve Rogers (GB) of BBC New Media, Ed Burton (UK), Research & Development Director at SodaCreative Ltd., Flash Designer Joshua Davis (USA), curator Yukiko Shikata (J) and interaction designer Casey Raes (USA / I).

Members of the Interactive Art Jury are Christiane Paul (USA), Whitney Museum, New York, Tomoe Moriyama, curator of the Toyko Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Joe Paradiso (USA), professor at MIT Media Lab and specialist for Responsive Environments, Stahl Stenslie of KHM Cologne, one of the fathers of des Cybersex, and Scott Fisher of Telepresence, one of the pioneers of Virtual Reality und telepresence applications.

On the Computer Animation / Visual Effects will sit Rita Street (USA), publisher of Animation Magazine, Bob Sabiston (USA) of Flat Black Films, former prize winner at Prix Ars Electronica, Olivier Cauwet (F) of Buf Compagnie, Hiroshi Chida (J) of Polygon Pictures and Loren Carpenter (USA) of Cinematrix.

The Digital Musics Jury are Alain Mongeau (CDN), program director of MUTEK, festival for electronic arts, composer Markus Schmickler (D), artist Antye Greie-Fuchs (D), curator and producer Naut Humon (USA) and composer and writer David Toop (UK).

The u19 Jury are Sirikit Amann of the Austrian Cultural Service, Horst Hörtner of Ars Electronica Futurelab, Tina Auer of Time's up, Martin Pieper of FM 4 and Manfred Nürnberger.

The donator of the Prix Ars Electronica as well as of the CyberArts 2003 exhibition is Telekom Austria. The youth competition u19 is sponsored by the BAWAG/P.S.K Group. Further sponsors are voestalpine AG, the City of Linz, and the State of Upper Austria. The Prix Ars Electronica is supported by Casinos Austria, Gericom, Sony DADC, Pöstlingberg Schlössl, Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, and ÖKS Österreichischer Kulturservice.

Ingrid Fischer

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at