
"The Universal Work of Data" by Richard Kriesche
Das universelle Datenwerk – datenwerk : mensch("The Universal Work of Data – Datawork : Mankind") is the current project of the Austrian artist Richard Kriesche, that will be realized for the CODE Exhibition in the Brucknerhaus. Biogenetic processes and human genetic codes serve as material and elements for the artistic work.

In Richard Kriesche's project, presented within the frame of the CODE Exhibitions in the Brucknerhaus, the human being appears as a work of data, as encoded and decodable entity. Life in this perspective is based upon an accumulation of data: genetic structures, blood chemistry or the composition of physiological materials. Thus, the data information become the optic elements of portraits and images. Codes as material and content of art.

The Universal Data Work – Datenwerk : Mankind realizes a connex between the two thematic formulas Code=Art and Code=Life. The biogenetic decoding of the human being is transformed into representations that can be experienced sensually. Genetic fragments of the artist Richard Kriesche are sequenced and integrated into an image. On the basis of the genetic building blocks ACGT a self portrait emerges – an artistic representation of persons that is most personal and intimate.

Richard Kriesche about his concept as an artist:

"From the insight that the human being is formed by means of the 'nature' of information, datenwerk : mensch derives the universal task of forming the InatureI of information in the sense of human beings. With this interpretational claim, datenwerk: mensch applies the code of images to reality itself. Code, understood as the binding key to the understanding of images, becomes the art of understanding reality, and of creating, understanding and experiencing the world in and of itself ...

Richard Kriesche (born 1940) worked as professor already in the 60s within the area of audiovisual media. In 1969 he founded the art society "pool" and four years later the media gallery "poolerie" for photography, film and video. In the following years he was involved in the formation of several art labs and artists' syndicates. Since the end of the 80s Richard Kriesche held several teaching posts, among others for the Technical University Vienna and the École supérieure des beaux arts in Paris. Kriesche serves an an expert in several European commissions. Beside international exhibitions he already took part in Ars Electronica in 1989 and 1994.

CODE Exhibition in the Brucknerhaus Linz is open September 7-11, 10 am – 7 pm.

Ulrike Ritter

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at