Astro Twins and Cosmos: Golden Nica / Digital Musics
Ami Yoshida (J) is not only one half of the "Astro Twins"; under the name of "Cosmos" she also appears on the musical stage together with Sachiko M. With her daring performances and her highly individual style, Ami Yoshida wins the Digital Musics Golden Nica for the "Astro Twins" and "Cosmos" double album.

"astro twin" is the duo of Ami Yoshida and Utah Kawasaki. It was started around 1996. Yoshida gave the duo its name, taken from the manga of the same name by Keiko Takemiya. It comes from the astrological term for beings born on the same day although these two have different birthdays. Their sign, however, is the same – Taurus.

"cosmos" is the duo of Sachiko M and Ami Yoshida. It was formed in 1997, in an extremely natural fashion. The only thing set down at the beginning was the name cosmos, provided by Ami. Although the unit has given only one or two concerts a year since its formation, it has, through its unique feeling of space and its overwhelming presence, gained an enthusiastic following which continues to grow. 2002 it releases its first and second albums: Tears (Erstwhile), and *astro twin / cosmos (F.M.N. Sound Factory).

The CD astro twins is: "boring sounds / unevolving sounds / unproductive sounds / lazy Sounds / garbage-like sounds ... These infinitely divided sounds are scattered everywhere. Each sound is junk but some sounds may be important. They are for you to seek. We want you to find them. That is astro twin's request."

The CD cosmos has no concept, has no discussion. cosmos accepts all sounds. Then it ignores them. Sounds that are released in an instant from lull-like stagnation. Sometimes overlapping, sometimes turning away from each other, the sounds are of limitless beauty and strength. cosmos is invincible.

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