Pixelspaces - Sensory Environments – Immaterial Interfaces
This year's Ars Electronica Futurelab Symposium "Pixelspaces" focuses on "Sensory Environments – Immaterial Interfaces", one of the main research areas of Ars Electronica Futurelab.

With the topic "sensory Environments - immaterial Interfaces", Pixelspaces will concentrate on an area of emphasis of the Futurelab’s recent work and, at the same time, a field in which the traditional arts have been increasingly converging on media art. Over the course of the conference, participants will examine the extent to which traditional artistic institutions (such as those involved with musical theater and dance) are signaling a readiness to take into account the development of media art, or the extent to which they are even in a position to do so. This symposium together with Klaus Obermaier’s “Dance and Media Performance Fusion” (DAMPF), an interdisciplinary project dealing with the stage as a sensory environment, will constitute a forum in which the theory and practice of the convergence of media art and dance will be consummated in artistic and technical practice.

Monday, Sept 8., 6 pm to 8:30 pm, Ars Electronica Center, Seminarraum

Scott deLahunta (UK / NL), Justin Manor (USA), Joreg Diel (D), Sebastian Oschatz (D), Adrian Cheok (SGP), Hirakazu Kato (J), Horst Hörtner (A)

Tuesday, Sept. 9, 6 pm to 8:30 pm, Ars Electronica Center, Seminarraum
Angelika Oei (NL), Klaus Obermaier (A), Paolo Coletta (I), Joachim Sauter (D)

Moderation: Christopher Lindinger (A)

Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at