
Tsukuba Series:Distincition Interactive Art
Tsukuba Series is Maywa Denki's original musical device played by physical movement of motors and / or electromagnets at 100V. It is not information but machine-music materially performed by electric-powered musical instrument. With their performances, Maywa Denki has conquered the concert halls in Japan.

Maywa Denki is an art unit produced by Nobumichi Tosa. It was named after the company that his father used to run in bygone days. The costume is designed as a typical working uniform of Japanese electric stores, symbolizing small / medium-sized enterprises that once supported Japan's economy during its high-growth period. Its unique style is indicated by a term he uses: For example, each piece of Maywa Denki's work is called "a product" and a live performance or exhibition is held as "a product demonstration." The products produced so far include NAKI Series, fish-motif nonsense machines, Tsukuba Series, original musical instruments, and Edelweiss Series, flower-motif objets d’art. Although Maywa Denki is known and appreciated as an artist, its promotion strategies are full of variety: exhibition, live stages, performances, producing music, videos, writing, merchandising toys, stationery, and electric devices. As Nobumichi is still looking for a new scheme for a different approach to the public, Maywa Denki is now beginning in earnest to extend its activities to overseas, holding exhibitions in Europe (Paris and London).

Maywa Denki
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at