Radio FRO Conference: Towards a Society of Control?

Link Collection (English / German)
Compiled by Andreas Waser / Radio FRO

EDRI - European digital Rights
international non profit association for the defence and promotion of civil rights in the field of information- and communication technology

restoration of civil rights that have been abolished by technical means during the first stage of the information revolution. Main topics: freedom of information, the right to personal privacy and data integrity, the right to communicate freely.

ASF (Austrian Social Forum)
Veranstaltung, sozialer Raum, breite Diskussionsplattform

Indymedia Austria
Indymedia Austria" ist eine für alle Menschen offene, unabhängige, nichtkommerzielle und multimediale Plattform für alternative Berichterstattung zu aktuellen sozialen und politischen Themen, Ereignissen, Vorfällen, etc.

Indymedia Austria über xs4al
Der Text handelt von dem Free Space Provider xs4all, der wegen des Hostings der Seite RADIKAL vor gericht steht.

Center for the public domain
The Center for the Public Domain, a philanthropic foundation based in Durham, North Carolina, is dedicated to addressing these diverse challenges. Through grant making, original research, conferences, and collaborative programs, the Center seeks to call attention to the importance of the public domain and spur effective, practical solutions and responses.

Conference on the Public Domain
November 9 - 11, 2001
The last fifteen years has seen a rise in both the importance and the strength of intellectual property rights in the world economy; rights have expanded in areas ranging from the human genome to the Internet and have been strengthened with legally backed digital fences, lengthened copyright terms and increased penalties.

Devoted to expanding the range of creative work available for others to build upon and share.

Aims of Bollier.org: reclaiming the American commons, understanding how digital technologies are changing democratic culture, fighting the excesses of intellectual property law, fortifying consumer rights and promoting citizen action.

deBalie.nl hosted by xs4all aims to open up administrative and political frameworks that have come to a deadlock, to mobilise the public opinion and to attract audience and speakers for the public debate.

DRM Conference (Digital Rights Conference)
The Berkeley Center for Law and Technology (BCLT) and the Berkeley Technology Law Journal (BTLJ) are proud to announce this year's ground-breaking conference confronting the controversies surrounding digital rights management. We have assembled the leading thinkers from industry, academia, government, and the nonprofit sector to engage in a broad-ranging conversation about the legal, technological, and policy landscape of digital rights management systems, discuss recent developments, and debate the future balance of content protection, fair use, and privacy.

DRM Ressource and Link Collection
Sammlung von Artikeln und Links zum Thema DRM

Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was created to defend our rights to think, speak, and share our ideas, thoughts, and needs using new technologies, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web. EFF is the first to identify threats to our basic rights online and to advocate on behalf of free expression in the digital age.

GNU Open source project

Info Commons
Info Commons is a publication of the Information Commons Project of The American Library Association, Office for Information Technology Policy. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Konsortium.Netz.kultur appelliert an die politische Verantwortung, eine pluralistische und demokratische Informationsgesellschaft sicherzustellen, mit uneingeschränkter Meinungsfreiheit, mit künstlerischen und sozio-kulturellen Inhalten in freien und nicht-kommerziellen Medien. konsortium.Netz.kultur versteht sich als Interessenvertretung und Sprachrohr der Netzkulturinitiativen gegenüber Öffentlichkeit und Medien, gegenüber Politik und Verwaltung.

Die LINUX COMMUNITY ist die zentrale Anlaufstelle für alle Linux-Interessierten, die sich zu aktuellen Linux-Themen schnell und umfassend informieren wollen, und dabei auf Qualität und Seriosität der Inhalte Wert legen.

"Live aus Digitalistan" stellte an drei Abenden im Juni InfoWar-Konzepte, Kontroll- und Überwachungstechnologien sowie Trusted Computing vor. Wir wollen Folgen und Chancen für Gesellschaft & Individuum diskutieren, uns praktische Ansätze zur Umgehung oder Verhinderung von Kontrolltechniken ansehen sowie Positionen von KünstlerInnen und AktionistInnen zeigen.

Next 5 Minutes 4
International Festival of Tactical Media, Amsterdam 11-14 September 2003. Next 5 Minutes is a festival that brings together art, campaigns, experiments in media technology, and transcultural politics. Next 5 Minutes revolves around the notion of tactical media, the fusion of art, politics and media. The festival is organised irregularly, when the urgency is felt to bring a new edition of the festival together.

World Wide Web consortium
This document is a time-changing overview of resources about privacy, preference expression and the collection of Web usage data on the Web .

Platform for Privacy Preferences
The Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P), developed by the World Wide Web Consortium, is emerging as an industry standard providing a simple, automated way for users to gain more control over the use of personal information on Web sites they visit. At its most basic level, P3P is a standardized set of multiple-choice questions, covering all the major aspects of a Web site's privacy policies.

Platform for Internet Content Selection
It was originally designed to help parents and teachers control what children access on the Internet, but it also facilitates other uses for labels, including code signing and privacy. The PICS platform is one on which other rating services and filtering software have been built.

Online-Unterschriftenliste, Pressespiegel

Public Netbase
Public Netbase organizes exhibitions, events, symposia and workshops. Since 1998, it has attracted more than 75.000 visitors. The net culture institute provides more than 1200 artists, cultural workers, adolescents, project groups, and initiatives with e-mail accounts, web space, fully equipped project work spaces, proficient technical support and the transfer of technology know-how, thus enabling them to actively participate in the shaping of the World Wide Web and global data structures.

Anbindung der regionalen Kunst/Kulturszene an die digitalen Kommunikationswelten Für die OÖ Kunst- u. Kulturszene ist eine Präsentationsplattform einzurichten. Experimentelle und künstlerische Produktionen im Bereich der Telekommunikation ermöglichen. Den Initiativen ist die kontinuierliche Arbeit mit multimedialen Kommunikationsmedien zu ermöglichen Aktivisten (aus Kunst u. Kultur) an das Medium Internet heranzuführen. Jene Initiativen / Personen zu unterstützen, die Inhalte / Projekte betreuen.

Text by Konrad Becker (A)
Freedom of Expression and New Technologies issues: Digital Human Rights, Digital Ecology and Future heritage.

Heise Online: Mit DRM direkt in den Zensurstaat
"Die Frage der Information wird eine Frage des Budgets". Die Regierenden würden sich aller Handlungsoptionen berauben, wenn sie der Industrie dank der Sanktionierung technischer Kopierschutzmethoden die Steuerung der zukünftigen Wissensversorgung überließen. Forscher und Bibliothekare sehen Kostenlawinen auf ihre Institute zukommen - mit schlimmen Folgen für die Allgemeinheit.

Heise Online über Provider im Paragraphendschungel
Internet-Service-Provider stehen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Strafverfolgung und Datenschutz. Welche und wie viel Daten dürfen sie Strafverfolgern geben? Auf welcher rechtlichen Grundlage müssen sie Websites sperren? Eine Tagung des Verbandes der deutschen Internet-Wirtschaft brachte mehr Klarheit in das Regulierungsdickicht.

Interview with Annie - imc_uk “Digital Political Activism”

Constructing the Digital Commons. A venture into hybridisation
A text by Eric Kluitenberg published on n5m4.org: Democracy can be understood in two notably distinct ways. In the institutional view democracy is understood as the interplay of institutional actors that represent 'the people' and are held accountable through the plebiscite; public votes, polls and occasionally referenda. The second view on democracy is radically different in that it understands the extent to which people can freely assemble, discuss and share ideas about vital social issues, organise themselves around these issues, and can freely voice their opinions in public fora, as a measure for just how democratic a given society is.

Culture and Technologies of Control
Konrad Becker's introduction to the cultural intelligence manual "Tactical Reality Dictionary."

Fred von Lohmann "Digital Rights Management: The Skeptics' View"
A wide variety of technologies travel under the banner of "digital rights management" (DRM). In appropriate circumstances, these technologies can solve real problems for users, technology vendors, and content owners. Some, however, have made more ambitious claims for DRM, suggesting that these technologies represent the best hope for the entertainment industries as they struggle to evolve in a networked economy.

Internet und Recht

Je nach Art des Providers differiert auch der Haftungsumfang. Während den Access-Provider als reinen "Transporteur" der Information keine Haftung trifft, haften Service- und Content-Provider eingeschränkt für fremde und voll für eigene Inhalte. Die Grenze verläuft bei der Zumutbarkeit der Kontrolle.

The Copyright Site
This site is dedicated to helping educators everywhere in the United States understand the issue of copyright. As an educator, there are three main issues you need to understand. They are: the Public Domain, Fair Use, and Intellectual Property. We have tried to make them as simple as possible, and have included more complex definitions and explanations in more detailed legal-like form if you would like to do more research.

The Politics of Code
The Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy, and the Oxford Internet Institute convened the conference "Politics of Code" to identify the critical choices that will need to be made in the coming months about the Internet's architecture that will shape the Internet for years to come.

Verein für Internet Benutzer Österreichs

Der Verein für Internet-Benutzer Österreichs (VIBE!AT) hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht zu einem mündigen, verantwortungsvollen und selbstbestimmten Umgang mit dem Medium Internet zu ermuntern. Gleichzeitig will er ein öffentliches Bewusstsein schaffen, das jegliche Versuche diese Freiheiten übermäßig zu beschränken erkennt und verurteilt. Ein aktives Vorgehen gegen derartige Versuche ist für VIBE!AT daher selbstverständlich.

World Wide Web Consortium
The World Wide Web Consortium was created in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. W3C has around 450 member organizations from all over the world and has earned international recognition for its contributions to the growth of the Web.

is a collaborative effort of organizations and individuals who are directly concerned with issues of participatory involvement in Information and Communication Technologies, and the Internet as we know it today.

Internet Provider in the Netherlands

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at