Radio FRO Conference: Towards a Society of Control?

Radio FRO confronts the subject of open access and debates freedom of information and communication in the context of alternative content providers. With the EU’s Digital Rights Management guidelines as the point of departure, discussion participants will examine copyright issues and the accessibility of information.

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Listheseanalysegerät: Distinction / u19

Sigrun Fugger and Martin Leonhartsberger have developed a medical analysis device capable of measuring the amount of slide between two vertebrae. The u19 jury was especially taken by unconventional solution combining high-tech features with low-tech ones.

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voice: Distinction / Digital Musics

The Norwegian experimental artist Maja Ratkje operates exclusively with her voice - no wonder that voice is the title of her first solo album. Improvised and composed parts are fused into an entity that may be confusing for the listener.

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Atama Yama: Auszeichnung Computer Animation / Visual Effects

The short film Atama Yama ("Mt. Head") by Koji Yamamura (J) is a modern interpretation of the traditional comic tale packed with black humor. Koji Yamamura's animation was a nominee for the 2003 Academy Award in the Animated Short category.

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Tsukuba Series:Distincition Interactive Art

Tsukuba Series is Maywa Denki's original musical device played by physical movement of motors and / or electromagnets at 100V. It is not information but machine-music materially performed by electric-powered musical instrument. With their performances, Maywa Denki has conquered the concert halls in Japan.

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Tim Tom: Golden Nica / Computer Animation / Visual Effects

Tim Tom by Romain Segaud and Christel Pougeoise – both graduates from Supinfocom - France's computer animation elite forge - is a wonderful homage to the Tex-Avery style fantasy world of cartoons.

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Pixelspaces - Sensory Environments – Immaterial Interfaces

This year's Ars Electronica Futurelab Symposium "Pixelspaces" focuses on "Sensory Environments – Immaterial Interfaces", one of the main research areas of Ars Electronica Futurelab.

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Prix Ars Electronica Forum

The Prix Ars Electronica Forum will feature speeches and presentations by and discussions with Prix Ars Electronica 2003 prizewinners and jurors.

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Prix Ars Electronica Forum

The Prix Ars Electronica Forum will feature speeches and presentations by and discussions with Prix Ars Electronica 2003 prizewinners and jurors.

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"Boards of Canada" Website: Distinction / Net Excellence

James Tindall (UK) has designed the official site for the group "Boards of Canada" – an interactive 3D work which offers the users the opportunity of creating their own remixes or sound images from the sounds, loops, and samples provided.

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1-10  | 11-20  | 21-30  | 31-40  | 41-50  | 51-60  | 61-70  | 71-77  | 
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at