Digital Musics at Prix Ars Electronica

Digital Musics at Prix Ars Electronica illustrates the amazing diversity of modern distribution channels: from the concert hall to the Internet domain, from video to clubs.

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Stahl Stenslie: Interactive Art Jury Member

Experimental interfaces are the focus of the work of Stahl Stenslie's work, one of the fathers of Cybersex.

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Prix Ars Electronica - Online Registration

You can submit your work to Prix Ars Electronica by online registration. The deadline for your submission is March 25, 2003. Check out the registration procedure ...

Net Vision / Net Excellence at Prix Ars Electronica

The Internet as established part of our everyday lives, and as powerful motor of innovation: The net category of Prix Ars Electronica wants to honor both of these aspects.

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Online Registration closed

The online registration for Prix Ars Electronica 2003 has been closed on March, 25. From April 11 to 13, five juries composed of internationally renowned experts will select the best works.

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Prix Ars Electronica 2003

For the 17th time, Prix Ars Electronica, invites to participate in the annual cyberarts competition in the categories Net Vision / Net Excellence, Interactive Art, Computer Animation/Visual Effects, Digital Musics and u19 - freestyle computing.

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1-10  | 11-20  | 21-30  | 31-40  | 41-50  | 51-56  | 
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at