
"TANA-BANA" (literally: “warp and weft”) is the title of the 2005 Campus exhibition.

This year’s guest institution at Linz’s University of Art is the Srishti School of Art Design and Technology in Bangalore, India. "TANA-BANA – Designing Substantive Freedoms" shows how the primary indicators of the success of a society are the freedoms that that community enjoys—those essential freedoms that nurture and further the society’s capacity to help itself and to design its own world. There will be an accompanying program of seminars and discussions, as well as a telematic performance on Linz’s Main Square at which artists in Austria will be linked up in real time with their counterparts in India.

The Interface Culture academic program recently established at Linz’s University of Art will present exhibitions and performances showcasing a wide variety of interface designs from such fields as interactive art, tangible interfaces, intuitive musical and composition instruments and interactive games.

The Brucknerhaus will be the setting for a display of works in the fields of graphics, photography, interactive design and video by associates of the Institute for Visual Communication Design set up in 1997 at Bilgi University in Istanbul.

Cornelia Sulzbacher

Festival Program
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at