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  07 Ars Electronica Center Exhibition

Establishing an equivalence between language and space, Apartment connects the written word with different forms of spatial configurations. On blank screens, two viewers type in texts of their choice. Two-dimensional plans for an apartment, similar to blueprints, appear on each screen. The architecture is based on an analysis of the viewers' words, reorganizing them to reflect the underlying themes they express. On a middle screen a third, shared, apartment is built that represents the union of the words typed by both viewers. They thus interact through both words and geometry.

Establishing an equivalence between language and space, Apartment connects the written word with different forms of spatial configurations. On blank screens, two viewers type in texts of their choice. Two-dimensional plans for an apartment, similar to blueprints, appear on each screen. The architecture is based on an analysis of the viewers' words, reorganizing them to reflect the underlying themes they express. On a middle screen a third, shared, apartment is built that represents the union of the words typed by both viewers. They thus interact through both words and geometry.

Marek Walczak
Ars Electronica Festival

Martin Wattenberg
Ars Electronica Festival

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at