

Picture Archiv
  Timetable - Projectpage 1
  06 Campus

“in the neo-liberal culture of spectacle, established media art turns out to be a servile handmaiden ... we’re not interested in representations, we’re interested in collective creations” (studierende@vis-med.ac.at) Students of visual media design at the University of Applied Art in Vienna—that is, prototypical media artists and workers of tomorrow—transfer parts of the university’s research lab to Linz: a hybrid mix of programming workshop, Web agency, sound studio, hang-out/lounge, laboratory for 3-D animation & media critique, game development center and party space. Participants will be working on process-oriented projects as well as generating and discussing new ideas about the future needs of education specifically tailored to media art.

“in the neo-liberal culture of spectacle, established media art turns out to be a servile handmaiden ... we’re not interested in representations, we’re interested in collective creations” (studierende@vis-med.ac.at) Students of visual media design at the University of Applied Art in Vienna—that is, prototypical media artists and workers of tomorrow—transfer parts of the university’s research lab to Linz: a hybrid mix of programming workshop, Web agency, sound studio, hang-out/lounge, laboratory for 3-D animation & media critique, game development center and party space. Participants will be working on process-oriented projects as well as generating and discussing new ideas about the future needs of education specifically tailored to media art.

Ars Electronica Festival

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at