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s.EXE interactives

Sexy tech – high impact. s.EXE interactives invites users to choose images from a rich imagebank, arrange them over a timeline of 32frames, thus composing visuals, sequences of moving images; save, reload and play the sequences with an adjustable framerate. For individual interaction, and live acts. s.EXE is designed as a meta tool for interchangeable imagery. An open system providing a playground for up-teaming artists from the audiovisual realm, party gangsters and trendsetters.

Sexy tech – high impact. s.EXE interactives invites users to choose images from a rich imagebank, arrange them over a timeline of 32frames, thus composing visuals, sequences of moving images; save, reload and play the sequences with an adjustable framerate. For individual interaction, and live acts. s.EXE is designed as a meta tool for interchangeable imagery. An open system providing a playground for up-teaming artists from the audiovisual realm, party gangsters and trendsetters.

Christina Goestl
Ars Electronica Festival

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at