

Picture Archiv
Engineers of Experience - Who’s got it right?

The boom in edu- and infotainment, the search for enhanced visitor experience, heightened brand consciousness, and increasing demand for the integration of interactive media in exhibitions and museums necessitate new strategies and concepts for their design, staging and architecture. Thought-provoking ideas and outstanding examples will be presented and discussed.

The boom in edu- and infotainment, the search for enhanced visitor experience, heightened brand consciousness, and increasing demand for the integration of interactive media in exhibitions and museums necessitate new strategies and concepts for their design, staging and architecture. Thought-provoking ideas and outstanding examples will be presented and discussed.

Peter Higgins
Ars Electronica Festival

Horst Hörtner
Ars Electronica Festival

Hiroshi Ishii
Ars Electronica Festival

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
Ars Electronica Festival

Gustav Pomberger
Ars Electronica Festival

Joachim Sauter
Ars Electronica Festival

Michael Shamiyeh
Ars Electronica Festival

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at