Media Experience


Picture Archiv
  Theater Phoenix
  Media Performances
The Electric Grandmother

The play for youngsters by Franz Schwabeneder based on Ray Bradbury’s sci-fi short story is enhanced by interactive stage elements and stereoscopic computer animation.

Realized in cooperation with Theater Phoenix

The developments done by the Ars Electronica Futurelab are enhancing this piece’s dramaturgy via virtual expansion of the stage set. Futurelab staffers aren’t just providing the technology that makes this production possible; they’re endowing this theatrical performance with what amounts to an additional artistic level. In an effort undertaken especially for the The Electric Grandmother, they gathered ideas and inspiration from kids attending Ars Electronica workshops and young participants in the 2006 Prix’s u19 freestyle computing category to create scenographic elements in the form of computer-animated film footage. This material will be projected stereoscopically and blend together with the classical performance elements to form a media art theatrical production.


Andreas Jalsovec

Michael Lankes

Christopher Lindinger

Christine Pilsl

Stefan Schilcher

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at