

Picture Archiv
  Landesausstellung "Zeit"
Architectural Model – Province Expo 2000

Walk-through computer model of the design concept Hans Hoffer developed for the Province of Upper Austria’s Expo 2000 in Wels.

Expo 2000 Wels commissioned the Ars Electronica Futurelab to produce a walk-through VR model of the proposed exposition concept. The venue, a Minorite monastery with all of its unique architectural features, was rendered true to scale in virtual space. Even during the course of the work on the model, far-reaching changes were made to the original concept in collaboration with Hans Hoffer, the artistic designer of the Expo.

The application ultimately served as a basis of discussion for exhibit designers and provided a visual introduction for participating artists, scientists and political decision-makers.

Following an intensive developmental phase, this Ars Electronica Futurelab project became the first use of PC-based technology to generate a VR world. A game editor made it possible to create a flexible and mobile application that expanded on the possibilities offered by previous VR applications.


Hans Hoffer

Andreas Jalsovec
Keyresearcher / Visualization

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at