The world in 100 years

15.06. – 19.09

Ars Electronica Center Linz, Level +1

The new exhibition in the Ars Electronica Center Linz pays tribute to the creativity, courage and inventiveness of those men and women who have totally committed their energies, abilities and knowledge to a vision of the future. This exhibition surveys a 200-year time span: looking back at what people about a century ago anticipated for this day and age, and showcasing what contemporary thinkers foresee 100 years from now.

As proxies standing for all the visionaries and trailblazers who have worked on their respective „futures“ over the course of humankind‘s history, French writer, illustrator and caricaturist Albert Robida (1848–1926) and Belgian visionary Paul Otlet (1868–1944) occupy this exhibition‘s spotlight.

Works in the exhibition:

  • Bruce Herr, Katy Borner (US), Wikipedia Visualization
  • Marjolin Dijkman (BE, NL), *Wandering through the Future*

The third part of the exhibition features the Prix Ars Electronica’s prizewinning Next Ideas. For several years now, Ars Electronica and voestalpine have awarded [the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant as a means of actively nurturing innovative developments and enabling very creative people to implement their visionary concepts.Regardless of whether these innovations are of an artistic, social, technological or scientific nature, all of the projects that make up this exhibition fascinate us with their extraordinary, original ideas for our future.

[the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant:

  • Frederik De Wilde (BE), *Hostage*
  • Bruce Baikie (USA), *Intelligent Solar Powered 3G-WiFi Broadband Access*
  • Hans Frei (CH), Marc Böhlen (USA), *Micro Public Places*
  • Teresa Maria Buscemi (US), *electroStatic Architecture*
  • Catherine Kramer (UK), *Community Meat Lab*
  • Ken Banks (UK), *Frontline SMS*
  • Open Sailing Crew with Cesar Harada (UK), *Open Sailing*
  • Tatsuya Narita (JP), *Toaster to understand today’s weather*
  • Doug Fritz (US), Sajid Sadi (USA), *Engaze*
  • Brigitte Hadlich (DE), *c.50p – 50. Breitengrad*
  • Jonas Burki (CH), *Sun_D*
  • Takayuki Nakamura (JP), *Wonderful World*
  • Josh Schiller, James Tunick, Carrie Elston (US), *City of the Future*
  • Martin John Callanan (UK), *Location of I*
  • Himanshu Khatri (IN), *Aquaplay*
  • (USA), *ShiftSpace*
  • Martin Mairinger (AT), *USED Clothing*
  • Akio Kamisato, Satoshi Shibata, Takehisa Mashimo (JP), *Moony*

Cooperation partner: voestalpine

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