Linz prepares itself

Even the weather and the sky prepare themselves for the Tesla Orchestra, the tension is building up, the city is ready.

Tesla Orchestra, credit: Tesla Orchestra

ORIGIN – Goodies downloads

Since you seem to like our ORIGIN-T-Shirts (by the way, the sizes that are sold out are already on their way), we are offering you wallpapers and screensavers to set the mood for the festival. Enjoy!

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The Public Square, Squared – Guestpost from David Sasaki (USA)

Two years ago Isaac Mao and I curated the Ars Electronica Symposium on Cloud Intelligence. Among the many questions to which we sought answers: “Does online activism using server-based tools lead to offline social change, or to increased apathy?” Two of the day’s speakers, Xiao Qiang, a native of China, and Evgeny Morozov, a native of Belarus, offered their “dueling views of digital activism.”

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[the next idea]

[the next idea] – exhibition shows projects, that might change our world or the way we look at it. One of the winners of this year is the Chokepoint Project, asking the question who actually owns or at least controls the internet, and how we can avoid it. This project is described in detail on [the next idea] – blog, which will present interesting concepts and ideas during the festival and after it.

ORIGIN – Investigating the Big Bang – Small Tour

A short tour through the exhibition which you can enjoy at the AEC.


Briefing of the Ars Electronica employees

Right now the briefing of the employees is on its way, Gerfried Stocker introduces them to the festival’s theme and topics, so that they can help you in detail during the festival.

The connection between Ars Electronica and CERN

One of the unsung connections between Ars Electronica and CERN is this document, written on a napkin, in which Michael Doser and Horst Hörtner arrange a bet wheter or not anti-matter-particles behave the some way towards gravity as their matter-brothers or not. The winner gets champagne, but of course, if Horst Hörtner wins, he’ll get his champagne from the winner of a nobel prize.

OHMI – One Handed Musical Instruments

One of the big topics of this year’s Pixelspaces is OHMI, an organisation which wants to support the developement of an one-handed instrument which can be played within an orchestra. One of the challenges is the fact that they don’t want to have a computer do all the work, there are a lot of various soft- and hardwaresolutions for this already, the instrument should work on it’s own.

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