Opening of the exhibition “ORIGIN – Investigating the Big Bang”

The exhibition pushes it’s way out.

Today at 7pm, the exhibition “ORIGIN – Investigating the Big Bang” opens it’s doors. Michael Doser, specialist for anti-matter, introduces us to his work and the work of CERN. Free entrance tonite!

Find first impressions of the exhibition here.

Martin ‘Maff’ Honzik, festivalproducer of the Ars Electronica, talks about highlights

Martin Honzik talks about some ideas behind ORIGIN – how it all begins and CREATE YOUR WORLD – Futurefestival of the next generation. He has been producing the Ars Electronica festivals since 2006 and faces the challenge of producing two festivals at the same time this year. He also tells us what he’s looking forward to, unfortunately the interview is german only with no english subs (as of now…)


Trailer of CREATE YOUR WORLD – Future Festival of the next generation

Enjoy the trailer on the CYW-website!

Neuland Hausruck Part 3

“Of course we’ve had our share of skeptics during the planning phase. The question: ‘Do you really think they’re going to be able to pull that off?’ was heard quite a bit in these parts. But now the naysayers are going to have to eat their words.” And Mayor Josef Senzenberger of Ottnang am Hausruck ought to know what he’s talking about. He’s been a regular at Theater Hausruck performances since 2005, and not just because he and his constituents live at the foot of Pettenfirst, one of the locations of previous years’ productions and the setting of the opening event of the 2011 Ars Electronica Festival.

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Gerfried Stocker tells the story of this year’s festival theme, ORIGIN – how it all begins

Gerfried Stocker, Artistic Director of Ars Electronica, talks about the origins of this year’s festival theme, plus he reveals his own personal highlights of “ORIGIN – how it all begins”. Unfortunately, the video is german only.

Gerfried Stocker, Artistic Director Ars Electronica, credit: Ars Electronica

Trailer for the Ars Electronica 2011 is online!


ORIGIN – Investigating the Big Bang – Opening

“ORIGIN – Investigating the Big Bang” opens its doors on August 4th at 7 pm. Join the opening, the entry is free, just send an email to for registration.

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Neuland Hausruck Part 2

Theater and investigation; archeology; unearthing what’s buried—layer by layer by layer. Upper Austria’s Hausruck region is the site of a fascinatingly dense concentration of events, stories and history. Since 2005 Theater Hausruck has been uncovering these strata, digging and stirring things up, and its successes has been rewarded with sold-out houses and rave reviews. It has transported audiences to the absurdest of locations, left them to grope in the dark and figure out for themselves if they’ve crossed the border between fiction and reality, strapped them into emotional roller coasters, and left them substantially impressed indeed. The Ars Electronica visits the Hausruck and kicks off this year’s festival in an once in a lifetime experience. The first part of the Hausruck-story can be found here.

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