Category Archives: Events, Concerts, Performances


Joris Stribos (NL) & Yamila Rios Manzanares (NL) An extended cello performance interplays with a meticulous constellation of laser beams shot trough transparent objects.; Sun 8.9. 17:00 – 17:30 Ars Electronica Quarter / Sphæræ

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On Growth and Data

Martijn van Boven (NL) The simple system of a closed feedback loop is developed, transformed, mutated, translated and after each iteration, it is mirrored and compared with real life strings of biological data available through online databases such as Genbank. … Continue reading

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This interactive installation allows participants to interact with and control artificial life forms with their smartphones. Continue reading

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Hydro-Acoustic Study

A cinematic exploration of sonically activated hydrological events. Continue reading

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Shadow Puppet?

A combination of embodied performance and analog machinery gives rise to an engulfing play of light, shadow and raw optical sound. Continue reading

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A monumental sound piece, created from original environmental recordings of tropical, sub-tropical and cold rainforests. Continue reading

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Inspired by simulations of how nerve impulses travel through tissues, the project focuses on the more general emergence of patterns in time and space out of homogenous starting conditions. Continue reading

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Doris Graf interviews visitors to the Ars Electronica Festival and creates pictograms out of the qualities and characteristics of her interlocutors. Continue reading

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Attempt at an audiovisual and cybernetic representation of language and literature experience of people with dyslexia. Continue reading

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OK Night

A fitting follow-up to the Electronic Theater performances is the OK Night lineup Continue reading

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