Category Archives: Events, Concerts, Performances

Ars Electronica Quarter Night

On the Friday 6th September the Ars Electronica Center and the surrounding Ars Electronica Quarter become the center of the festival. Continue reading

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Am Flohmarkt

Ars Electronica Linz takes part at the traditional flea market in LInz. Continue reading

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The opening of TOTAL RECALL – The Evolution of Memory, a multimedia-Performance by Salvatore Vanasco, with music, dance, video and quadcopters. Continue reading

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voestalpine Soundcloud 2013 – Bruckner lives!

With dramatized scenes, excerpts from his impressive musical oeuvre, and the voice of Harald Serafin, the voestalpine Klangwolke will bring Anton Bruckner to life in 2013. Continue reading

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Big Concert Night

Orchestermusik und digitale Klänge einerseits, Live-Elektronik und Visualisierungen andererseits sind die Programmelemente der Großen Konzertnacht. Zu hören sind das Bruckner Orchester Linz unter Dennis Russell Davies u. a. mit der 10. Sinfonie von Philip Glass, der Vibrafonist David Friedman, die Medienkünstler Bill Fontana und Roberto Paci Dalo sowie das Duo Carl Stone und Gil Kuno. Das elektronische Finale bestreiten re-lay & 19 hertz plus Daito Manabe und Satoru Higa. Continue reading

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GameStage @ Ars Electronica

(Deutsch) Computerspiele sind inzwischen nicht nur Teil unseres kulturellen Gedächtnisses, sondern haben entscheidend zur Entwicklung größerer Speicherkapazitäten („Memory“) und schnellerer Prozessoren beigetragen. Anlass, dem Gaming einen umfangreichen Festivalschwerpunkt zu widmen. Continue reading

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The Memory of Le Sacre du Printemps

Visualized Piano performance of the Stravinsky work with Dennis Russel Davies (US/AT) and Maki Namekawa (JP/AT) Continue reading

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Creating new worlds through joint connecting LED modules. Continue reading

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Game Jam

Insight into and ability to participate in the development of digital games. Continue reading

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Ars Electronica Animation Festival 2013

The Ars Electronica Animation Festival 2013 as a distillate from the Prix-submissions is dedicated to the content and design variety of the animation genre in individual line-ups. Continue reading

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