
Innovators Tea Time – E/F Group

The innovators in Groups E and F will present the results of their Working Sessions at the Central Linz. Continue reading

Lunchbox 4 / Mentor Session: Oliviero Toscani

Experienced professionals meet young innovators, answer questions, give suggestions and feedback as well as insights into their own work. On Sunday, it’s the turn of ace photographer Oliviero Toscani (IT). Continue reading

Innovators Working Session – E/F Group

3 hours, the working groups E and F will focus on the festival theme. As a festival visitor you have the opportunity to keep track this discussion in the classroom. Continue reading

Innovators Kick off – E/F Group

The members of Working Groups E and F will attend their first workshop at which they’ll address the festival theme and consider the framework conditions necessary for change. Continue reading

Innovators Breakfast – E/F Group

At the Saturday breakfast, Working Groups E and F will present their current projects to the assembled Future Innovators Summit participants and festivalgoers. Continue reading

Innovators Rendezvous

Evening rendezvous parties with the Future Innovators in U.Hof complete the third day of the Future Innovators Summit. Continue reading

Innovators Tea Time – C/D Group

The innovators in Groups C and D will present the results of their Working Sessions at the OÖ Kulturquartier. Continue reading

Lunchbox 3 / Mentor Session: Hiroshi Ishii, Joachim Sauter, Golan Levin

Experienced professionals meet young innovators, answer questions, give suggestions and feedback as well as insights into their own work. With Robert Madelin (UK/BE), director general of DG Connect of the European Commission. Continue reading

Innovators Tea Time – A/B Group

The innovators in Groups A and B will present the results of their Working Sessions at the lobby of the Sparkasse savings bank to Bunker Roy, Zoubida Charrouf and the audience. Continue reading

Symposium II / Zoubida Charrouf

Zoubida Charrouf, a chemist on the faculty of Mohammed V University in Morocco, will report on an initiative to help women cultivate medicinal plants and to produce argan oil as a way to improve their own lives and nurture biodiversity in their region. Continue reading