

People transfer systems from the physical to virtual space. But what happens if this process is reversed? Aerosol is an experiment, which investigates exactly this by using a particle simulation. The fascinating thing about such a particle system is the emergent, unpredictable phenomena. A taut fabric surface is formed into a continually changing landscape by using a grid of 16 servomotors that is attached to the fabric. Due to gravitation, small metal balls placed on top of the fabric are set in motion. Continue reading


Shadowgram brings out visitors’ own creativity. Silhouette images reveal an entire world of thinking about current issues. With playful ease, opinions materialize into a real picture. Continue reading

ICT ART CONNECT.study roundtable / Lunchbox 2

What is the outcome if work on novel ICT – Information and Communication Technologies –is linked with artistic expression? This is the question asked by the study ICT Art Connect funded by the European Commission (DG CONNECT) and the question raised during the roundtable. Following a trend towards convergence of all domains of knowledge, the Arts are gaining prominence as a catalyst for radical transformations of R&D&I practices. Continue reading


The OHMI projects main goal – fostering development of a one handed musical instrument for physically impaired musicians – has long since gotten underway. Continue reading


smartflower energy technology GmbH is an Austrian company that has developed a mobile solar power plant for use by a typical household. Continue reading


The mission of a project named LeNi – an acronym of Leòn, Nicaragua – is to construct housing fit for human beings to accommodate single mothers and their children in the slums of Leòn. Their current quarters made of logs and plastic tarps provide hardly any protection during the rainy season. Cooking, toilet and bathing facilities are usually under a makeshift roof outdoors. Continue reading

The Creative Intelligence

Knowing how the mind creates ideas is not enough. We need to train our minds and create a culture that supports the creative potential. Ideeomat explains how to put this knowledge into practice, so everyone brings their best to the innovation process. Continue reading

Colliding Worlds. How Cutting-Edge Science is Redefining Contemporary Art

Butterflies created by designers, plastic surgery as the subject of a theatrical performance, a glow-in-the-dark rabbit, and data sculptures – the interplay of art and science has reached a new dimension in which it has become a discipline in its own right. Artsci is what renowned author, journalist, historian and philosopher Arthur I. Miller calls it. Continue reading

BIO KiiCS Open Training workshop, ICT ART CONNECT.study preview & discussion

KiiCS–Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation is produced jointly by Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Science Gallery in Dublin and the Waag Society in Amsterdam. Continue reading

Future Innovators Exhibit

An exhibition at the Akademisches Gymnasium is dedicated to the works and projects of the Future Innovators Summit. Continue reading