Real Imaginary Objects

Daniel Crooks (AU)
THU September 4-MON September 8, 2014 10 AM-9 PM
Future Playground, Akademisches Gymnasium, gym hall
Ars Electronica Center, level 1

Daniel Crooks‘ Crooks’ background lies in the explicit treatment of time as a physical material in his video practice. In his residency at the Ars Electronica Futurelab he aimed to extend this research beyond the bounds of the video screen into physical three-dimensional sculptures. For this purpose he developed a new kind of camera, a 3D slicing camera, able to capture a sequence of cross sections of a space at high frame rates. The recorded sequence of 2D frames has been accumulated into a 3D model. A laser-tracking framework has been developed to realize the technical structure of this “3D slicing camera” and generate the data for the 3D models. Three such 3D models are shown at the Future Playground and at the Ars Electronica Center.

Recent videos of Daniel Crooks’ work @ Deep Space Live

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