Akademisches Gymnasium

Entangled Sparks Workshops

Take a pixel with you and choose the patterns that will be showed on the media facade of the Ars Electronica Center. This workshops shows you how to do this. Continue reading

Featured Artists: Shinseungback Kimyonghun (KR)

The featured artists at the 2014 Ars Electronica Festival are a duo from the Republic of Korea. Since 2012, computer specialist Shin Seung Back and artist Kim Yong Hun have been working together. 10 works representative of their oeuvre are on display at Ars Electronica. Continue reading

The C-School

C-School is the Diotima Society’s answer to the emerging need of a dynamic knowledge gate. The C-School is an educational path, new and timeless, bridging the heritage of the classic Scholè with the oncoming era of shifting paradigms, its complexity and unexpected consequences. It is a permanent open-lab, consistent with a new idea of wealth, where processes are generating meaning, more than producing needs and goods. Continue reading