Ars Electronica Futurelab


Is sound almost completely devoid of its source’s perspective even conceivable? “Planted,” a sound installation that Young Sun Kim created during his residency at the Ars Electronica Futurelab, is an answer to these questions. Continue reading

Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy 2014

For the second time (after the initial collaboration in 2013), this year’s festival features the results of an Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy held at Queensland University of Technology (AU). Continue reading

Connecting Cities – The Participatory City

(Deutsch) Der Wandel des Lebensraums Stadt steht beim Connecting-Cities-Schwerpunktthema The Participatory City im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Gefragt waren künstlerische Arbeiten im öffentlichen Raum, die neue Möglichkeiten der Interaktion von Stadt und StädterInnen auftun und ein kritisches Bewusstsein für die laufenden urbanen Veränderungsprozesse schaffen sollen. Continue reading

Entangled Sparks Workshops

Take a pixel with you and choose the patterns that will be showed on the media facade of the Ars Electronica Center. This workshops shows you how to do this. Continue reading

Connecting Cities: Smart Citizen Sentiment Dashboard

You can get an impression of the feelings and attitudes of people in Linz towards the environment, mobility, security, the housing situation and the public sphere from the Smart Citizen Sentiment Dashboard (SCSD) on the Ars Electronica Center. Continue reading

Connecting Cities: Entangled Sparks

(Deutsch) Wer schon einmal die Sehnsucht verspürt haben sollte, ein Pixel zu adoptieren, kann sich dank Entangled Sparks diesen Wunsch nun erfüllen Continue reading

Connecting Cities: A European Network of Media Facades

Connecting Cities is a worldwide expanding network aiming to build up a connected infrastructure of media facades, urban screens and other digital projection sites to circulate artistic and socially relevant content. Continue reading


The media art installation OscFluctuation, can be seen as an interactive audiovisual instrument, which is played by the visitor’s movement. The title combines the English terms oscillation and fluctuation, which both can be traced back in such diverse fields as thermodynamics, music and quantum mechanics. Continue reading

Take a Number, Leave Your Head. A Cellar Club Piece with Drinks and Dada

(Deutsch) Mit Blick nach vorn greifen Klaus Obermaier und das Ars Electronica Futurelab auf eine schon historische Kunstströmung zurück, die trotz ihrer fast 100 Jahre noch immer zu bewegen vermag: die Anti-Kunstbewegung Dadaismus mit ihrer Liebe zum Archaischen und Absurden. Continue reading