Future Innovators Summit

Innovators Working Session – A/B Group

2,5 hours, the working groups A and B will focus on the festival theme. As a festival visitor you have the opportunity to keep track this discussion in the classroom. Continue reading

Lunchbox 1 / Mentor Session: Robert Madelin

Experienced professionals meet young innovators, answer questions, give suggestions and feedback as well as insights into their own work. With Robert Madelin (UK/BE), director general of DG Connect of the European Commission. Continue reading

Innovators Kick off – A/B Group

The members of Working Groups A and B will attend their first workshop at which they’ll address the festival theme and consider the framework conditions necessary for change. Continue reading

Innovators Breakfast – A/B Group

The Future Innovators Summit begins on Thursday with the first communal breakfast in Arkadenhof. The members of Working Groups A and B will present their projects and ideas. Continue reading

Future Innovators Summit / Mentors, Speakers, Facilitators

Mentors of Future Innovators Summit 2014 Continue reading


The mission of a project named LeNi – an acronym of Leòn, Nicaragua – is to construct housing fit for human beings to accommodate single mothers and their children in the slums of Leòn. Their current quarters made of logs and plastic tarps provide hardly any protection during the rainy season. Cooking, toilet and bathing facilities are usually under a makeshift roof outdoors. Continue reading

The Creative Intelligence

Knowing how the mind creates ideas is not enough. We need to train our minds and create a culture that supports the creative potential. Ideeomat explains how to put this knowledge into practice, so everyone brings their best to the innovation process. Continue reading

Colliding Worlds. How Cutting-Edge Science is Redefining Contemporary Art

Butterflies created by designers, plastic surgery as the subject of a theatrical performance, a glow-in-the-dark rabbit, and data sculptures – the interplay of art and science has reached a new dimension in which it has become a discipline in its own right. Artsci is what renowned author, journalist, historian and philosopher Arthur I. Miller calls it. Continue reading

BIO KiiCS Open Training workshop, ICT ART CONNECT.study preview & discussion

KiiCS–Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation is produced jointly by Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Science Gallery in Dublin and the Waag Society in Amsterdam. Continue reading

Future Innovators Exhibit

An exhibition at the Akademisches Gymnasium is dedicated to the works and projects of the Future Innovators Summit. Continue reading