Hiroshi Ishii
Lunchbox 3 / Mentor Session: Hiroshi Ishii, Joachim Sauter, Golan Levin
Experienced professionals meet young innovators, answer questions, give suggestions and feedback as well as insights into their own work. With Robert Madelin (UK/BE), director general of DG Connect of the European Commission. Continue reading
Innovators Breakfast – C/D Group with Hiroshi Ishii and K. Bradley Paxton
At the Innovators Breakfast, Innovators from Working Groups C and D will present their projects and ideas. This will be followed by feedback from K. Bradley Paxton and Hiroshi Ishii. Continue reading
ICT ART CONNECT.study roundtable / Lunchbox 2
What is the outcome if work on novel ICT – Information and Communication Technologies –is linked with artistic expression? This is the question asked by the study ICT Art Connect funded by the European Commission (DG CONNECT) and the question raised during the roundtable. Following a trend towards convergence of all domains of knowledge, the Arts are gaining prominence as a catalyst for radical transformations of R&D&I practices. Continue reading