Treasures of Art History in Deep Space 8K: Nonstop Screenings Throughout the Weekend

Kicking off European Year of Cultural Heritage
Treasures of Art History in Deep Space 8K: Nonstop Screenings Throughout the Weekend

press release as PDF
weekend program
posts about Cultural Heritage and an interview with the archaeologist Stefan Traxler on the Ars Electronica Blog

(Linz, January 24, 2018) 3-D laser scans of legendary buildings of Antiquity, gigapixel images of the Mona Lisa and Venus of Willendorf, and virtual reconstructions of the Millionenzimmer in Vienna’s Schönbrunn Palace and the old Linz Synagogue are just a few of the highlights in the Ars Electronica Center’s collection of extraordinary treasures of art history. Throughout 2018, the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the Museum of the Future will regularly invite the general public to feast their eyes on these spectacular digitized reproductions accompanied by expert narration. The program commences this weekend, Saturday & Sunday, January 27-28, 2018, when Deep Space 8K will host a journey through art history with an itinerary that includes the Old Stone Age, Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and takes us all the way up into the 21st century. Details are online at Reservations are recommended: call 0732.7272.51 or send an e-mail to

Expert Archeological Account of the Romans in Upper Austria

Stefan Traxler, Ph.D., an archeologist on the staff of Upper Austria’s Landesmuseum, is one of the two scholars in charge of the institution’s upcoming exhibition entitled “The Return of the Legion.” In Deep Space 8K, Stefan Traxler will elaborate on laser scans of digs at Roman sites in what are now Hallstatt, Schlögen and Enns, Austria. Then, he’ll comment on “Rome’s Invisible City,” a BBC-produced video featuring 3-D point cloud visualizations of ancient Roman architecture that has been built over with streets and buildings over the centuries. Finally, Stefan Traxler will explain a gigapixel image of the Tabula Peutingeriana, a huge map that depicts almost the entire network of roads in the Late Roman Empire.

Milestones of Art History for the Whole Family

Why does the Mona Lisa always look me right in the eye, no matter which side I look at her from? How come the Leaning Tower of Pisa is tilted? Or how can I build a sewer so that it will still work in 2,000 years? The Milestones of Art History raise questions that will fascinate art lovers of all ages. These presentations are designed as educational fun for the whole family.

The Future Meets the Past: New Technologies in Archeology and Art History

Ground-penetrating radar, geomagnetics, thermal cameras and laser scanners, diving robots, camera drones and satellites—new technologies have revolutionized archeology and art history. That goes for research practice as well as the presentation of the results. Laser scans, gigapixel images and virtual reconstructions give members of the general public a chance to immerse themselves in bygone epochs. And that especially holds true in Deep Space 8K.
Rome´s Invisible City in 3D: A BBC Film / Fotocredit: Florian Voggeneder / Printversion
Venus von Willendorf / Fotocredit: rubra / Printversion
Mona Lisa / Fotocredit: Martin Hieslmair / Printversion
Saliera / Fotocredit: Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion
Tabula Peutingeriana / Fotocredit: Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion
Virtuelle Rekonstruktion der alten Linzer Synagoge / Fotocredit: Rene Mathe / Printversion