HIDDEN ALLIANCES: Elisabeth Schimana and the IMAfiction Series

HIDDEN ALLIANCES Elisabeth Schimana and the IMAfiction Series
Ars Electronica Festival 2018 | Featured Artist

Press Kit as PDF

(Linz, September 5, 2018) Where are all the women in electronic music? This question has been posed since the 1990s by Elisabeth Schimana, a music pioneer who’s the Featured Artist at this year’s Ars Electronica Festival September 6-10, 2018. In Linz, she’ll present Hidden Alliances, a selection of her works on this subject in an exhibtion at the LENTOS Kunstmuseum.

Perplexed by what was purported to be a world without female artists in the electronic music/art genre, Elisabeth Schimana embarked on a search in the 1990s. ‘After a decade of work in the electronic music/art field, I began to inquire into another story. In all the years of education and work in this maledominated genre (with respect to both its teachers and practitioners), almost nothing had been imparted to me about women in the history of electronic music/art. And so I got started weaving new threads into the narratives.’ This research manifested itself artistically in a performance entitled Portrait 01 – Die Futuristin. This research approach also led to the foundation of the IMA Institute for Media Archeology, which since 2005 has been dedicated to the acoustic media at the interface of analog / digital as well as the topics of women, art and technology.

Hidden Alliances – Elisabeth Schimana (AT) / Reinhard Mary, Eleonora Bischof / Printversion