Deep Space LIVE: Meisterwerke und Lieblingsstücke

(Linz, May 9, 2011) There’s an extraordinary treat in store for guests at the next Deep Space LIVE. The guests are directors of two of Vienna’s—and the world’s—great museums, each of whom will present an object in the respective museum’s permanent collection that is her/his personal favorite. Sabine Haag, director of Vienna’s Museum of Art History since 2009, has chosen Benvenuto Cellini’s “Saliera”; Christian Köberl, director of the Museum of Natural History Vienna and Austria’s foremost meteorite specialist, will explain why he’s fascinated by the Hraschina iron meteorite. The superb high-definition images of both objects that will be shown on Deep Space’s 16×9-meter projection screens are the work of renowned Austrian photographer Lois Lammerhuber, three-time winner of the Graphis Photo Award for the best reportage of the year. Read more

Saliera, KHM / Lammerhuber / Printversion / Fotoalbum