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Wie beeinflussen neue Präsentationstechnologien den Markt und wo liegen die Probleme der verschiedenen Sammelplattformen? „Digitale Präsentationsstrategien und Sammlungen“ zeigt die Möglichkeiten, Medienkunst dem Publikum zu zeigen und warum diese Sichtbarkeit für den Medienkunstmarkt wichtig ist.
Moderation: Christa Sommerer (AT), Speakers: Johann Nowak (DE), Anita Beckers (DE), Oren Moshe (IL), Simon Fang (CN)

Anita Beckers (DE)
Anita Beckers (*1947)
until 1984 Teacher for office management
1990 Publishing house for prints and multiples within contemporary art
1992 Organisation and realisation of a symposium on performance and extended art forms at the Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt (publication)
1993 realisation of a international performance-festival in collaboration with the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and ASA European at the Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt
1994 Author and publisher of „Life Is Art Enough“ , a book about the performance project
1995 Opening of a gallery for contemporary art in Darmstadt
1998 Gallery and art projects in Frankfurt
From 1999 – 2003 board member in the Institute for New Media, Frankfurt
Since 2000 continual support and exhibiting of film and video art in the gallery
From 2003 – 2010 Jury and organisational member of the video art fair LOOP in Barcelona
2005 Media art award of the Saarländischen Rundfunk Saarbrücken for the intermediation of video art
2006-2010 „ Satellite“, exhibition space for young talents, City Hall Frankfurt
Projects were for example: Professors with their students. Candice Breitz, Christian Janecke, Bjoern Melhus, Dieter Kießling
2008 „Worlds on Video“, Palazzo Strozzi (Strozzina), curated by Anita Beckers
2011 Establishment of the internet platform with Julia Soekeland
2013 „Non Literal“, exhibition for the first Biennale for the Moving Image B3, Frankfurt
2015 Curator for Art at B3 Biennale in Frankfurt
2017 Curator for Art at B3 Biennale in Frankfurt
Worldwide participation at panels on the topic of video art in Korea, Japan, Brasil, France, Germany among others
One-Week series of lectures for Goethe Institut in Taiwan on moving image
Diverse jury activities for art fairs and art academies and workshops in media classes

Oren Moshe (IL)
Co-founder of Niio, a new distribution and display platform for moving images and new digital art forms, is an award-winning Product and Design expert with 18 years of experience in the worlds of technology, art, design and digital culture where he has consistently driven innovation at the intersection of these worlds.
His career spans both the worlds of Academic and Hitech: He founded the Interactive Design Faculty at Bezalel, Israel’s most prestigious Art & Design Academy. He also founded one of Israel’s leading digital product development consultancies developing solutions for both global corporations and fast growing startups such as MyHeritage and Wix. Oren co-founded Niio out of a deep desire to enable greater exposure and accessibility to the digital art medium. The ‘Niio’ platform offers a comprehensive, end-to-end solution for storing, preserving, securely transferring, monetising and perfectly displaying media art works on any screen or projector device.

Christa Sommerer (AT)
Christa Sommerer is an internationally renowned media artist, researcher and pioneer of interactive art. After working, researching and teaching in the US and Japan for 10 years, she in 2004 together with French media artist Laurent Mignonneau set up the department for Interface Cultures at the University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria, where they are both professors. Sommerer is also an Obel Guest Professor at Aalborg University in Denmark, a Visiting Professor at Tsukuba University Department of Empowerment Informatics in Japan and together with Laurent Mignoneau Chaire International Guest Professors at the Université Paris 8 in Paris, France. Sommerer and Mignonneau created around 30 interactive artworks, which have been shown in around 250 international exhibitions. They have received numerous awards: the BEEP Award at ARCO Art Fair in Madrid in 2016, the 2012 Wu Guanzhong Art and Science Innovation Prize which was bestowed by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China; the 1994 Golden Nica Prix Ars Electronica Award; the 1995 Ovation Award of the Interactive Media Festival in Los Angeles; the Multi Media Award’95 of the Multimedia Association Japan, the 2001 World Technology Award of the World Technology Network in London UK and the PRIZE 2008 – uni:invent Award, which was bestowed by the Ministry of Science and Research in Austria.