Flexible LED tiles, electronic components, metal structure, computer. 175.5cm x 90 cm. Edition 1/3.
Gust is a screen made with flexible LED tiles, a technology that allows the artist to create curved screens. The generative animation reacts in real-time to
local wind speed and direction.
The artist has observed a substantial change in our relationship with screens. From small wrist devices that monitor our biorhythms to monumental LED billboards that wrap around buildings, we are surrounded by their flickering and bright surfaces. Screens are acquiring a new materiality, a membrane quality that extends over multiple surfaces, objects and buildings. The “Echo” series responds to this new concept of screen-skin. “Echo‘s” screens seem to melt, drained by our overzealous need to represent the world.
In their undoing, they discover a new role as creatures that no longer represent, but sense their ecosystem. Connected to the Web, they perceive planetary phenomena that escape our sensory possibilities, and yet are so vital to our survival as a species.