Prints on canvas, 100 x 200 cm & interactive/generative audiovisual installation
The anti-carpet is an interactive generative audiovisual installation exploring environmental design in futuristic architecture with roots in Persian motifs.
The initial idea of this project was to make a connection between ancient Persian art icons and link them with a new design objective in the form of an installation. The key element was Persian carpet which was the consequence of the idea of an earthly paradise spread through Persian literature from the time of the Achaemenid Dynasty, to provide a place for protected relaxation of various kinds: spiritual, and leisurely.
In contrast with traditional carpet, QAL is not a single pattern, it is a mortal which dies in one second and it is very easy to create by the motion of hands in real-time affected by light. Over 60 patterns are generated in one second, some of which were captured and printed on canvas in a size of 1.5 m x 2 m.