Installation, electronics, cable, LED, optics, miniature figures, 200 x 200 x 200 cm
Completely anachronistic and contradictory to the linearity of the evolution of moving image machines, the artist’s group RaumZeitPiraten present the GIFmeister.

A post-digital, media/an/archaeological cinematic machine. An inappropriate tribute to the inertia of human perception as an alternative comment to its relatives, much too often born out of a military spirit. The GIFmeister consists of 24 open LED projectors, equipped with 24 objects. With a sequencer circuit all projectors flash once within one second and merge the projected images into an animation.
Roots, wire, battery, LED, 20 x 30 x 5 cm
Light objects made of open circuitry, fragile neural networks like fine drawings, spreading into space. Small electronic wirings of uncovered veins of copper, projecting itself on nearby walls as moving lights and shadows. Rhizomatic weavings reacting to its surrounding, generating organic-technoid images of its inner structure.