The notion of the Gesamtkunstwerk, with its distinctive aspect of performative art, as well as the idea of art as a counter-world – as a “dictatorship”— is the topic of the artist talk and can be also found in the first virtual reality production by Jonathan Meese and his mother Brigitte Meese.
Jonathan Meese (DE), Brigitte Meese (DE), Genoveva Rückert (AT)

Jonathan Meese (DE) & Brigitte Meese (DE)
Jonathan Meese’s work follows the tradition of the Gesamtkunstwerk, including painting, sculpture, installation, performance, drawing, collage and theatre work. His participation in the 1st Berlin Biennale exhibition in 1998 earned him wide recognition for his work. In a teeming installation using materials ranging from photocopies to drawings, posters and carnival masks, which were scattered throughout the space, making it resemble a children’s playroom, he indiscriminatingly celebrated the heroes and anti-heroes of world history, mythology, film and popular culture. This made it already clear: Meese is a creator of worlds. He is constantly working on, shaping and painting a large-scale work on the authority of the arts.

Genoveva Rückert (AT)
Genoveva Rückert (*1974, lebt in Linz) ist Kuratorin am OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich und Lehrbeauftragte für Raumtheorie an der Kunstuniversität Linz. Rückert kuratierte zahlreiche internationale Ausstellungen und zeichnet verantwortlich für die Programmentwicklung und Leitung der Abteilung für Entwicklung und Vermittlung im OÖ Kulturquartier.