Ultrasonic communication is increasingly used for data exchange between mobile devices as well as for location-based services. UK is applied because it is inaudible and requires only very simple hardware (only a microphone and a loudspeaker). Several proprietary solutions exist today for the UK such as Silverpush, Lisnr, Prontoly and CopSonic. All these solutions are developed jointly by companies and raise questions regarding the protection of users’ privacy.

The goal of the SoniTalk project is to develop an open source, transparent and fully privacy-oriented protocol for UK. In the SoniTalk protocol, all privacy settings for each application are managed separately by the user via a separate central permission system. The architecture of the SoniTalk protocol also enables coordinated and synchronous communication between multiple applications for the first time.
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Funded by: netidee http://www.netidee.at/