Project bürgerchain aims to provide a web-based e-voting platform. It is not supposed to be used by authorities in public elections, but rather by smaller organizations like political parties, clubs or companies for internal polls and voting. The “bürgerchain” should facilitate participation in democratic processes for members of such organizations. The main goal of the project therefore is to provide an e-voting platform combining anonymity, secure authentication, manipulation-safety and transparency with flexibility, ease of use and accessibility.

The unique approach of project bürgerchain is to combine the Austrian Bürgerkarte and a blockchain-like storage of voting results. The Bürgerkarte, Austria’s official technology for rendering electronic signatures, enables voters to provide a proof of identity. The blockchain-like storage allows for the secure and manipulation-proof storage of voting results.
Project lead: Michael Faschinger
UI/UX design: Thomas Bayer
Crypto: Felix Klengel
Funded by: netidee