The event is part of the Big Concert Night. More information...
(being there is everything)
Take off and leave Alexa or Google Assistant alone in your Smart Home, so s/he/it is free to carry on monologues and collect data. Deactivate your mobile toy—Siri or Bixby—and listen to the music of Blonk and Klammer and their communicating monologues.
Both artists have been working for several years now with language and voice — Jaab Blonk with BLIPAX (Blonk’s IPA eXtended) and his algorithmic sound poems; Josef Klammer with text-to-speech software and the precise fallibility of these linguistic prostheses. These men generate their music in both digital and analog fashion from the International Phonetic Alphabet, phonemes, words, sequences of letters and punctuation marks.
In this project, Blonk and Klammer blend congenial synthetic and human voices into a concert evening for soloists and choirs full of onomatopoeia.
Being there is what matters!
Jaap Blonk – voice, computer
Josef Klammer – sythetic voices, e-percussion