Art of AI Sense, Robot-Robot Interactions – Syntropic Counterpoints: Robosophy Philosophy

Predrag K. Nikolic (RS)

The artwork Robosophy Philosophy is part of the project Syntropic Counterpoints which has been conceptualized in the form of series of discussions between artificial intelligence clones, related to topics we want to expose to AI interpretation.

Art of AI Sense, Robot-Robot Interactions – Syntropic Counterpoints: Robosophy Philosophy / Predrag K. Nikolic (RS), Credit: Predrag K. Nikolic

We confronted philosophical standpoints between Aristotle (Magnanimous) and Nietzsche (Übermensch) and used their cyber clones to run debates on various topics. The project and research are presented at the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 and SIGGRAPH 2018.